Business Support Vacancies

Below you can find an overview of all current Business Support job opportunities at Exactpi in the regions Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Rotterdam (but also in the regions Drechtsteden, Dordrecht and Breda). Think for example of vacancies in the field of Management Support, Financial, Logistics and Supply Chain.

Business Support vacancies

Exactpi works for professionals with experience at MBO, HBO and WO level within HR, Commerce and Business Support. Our Business Support-label has jobs in Finance, Management Support and Supply Chain. Here you will find vacancies for: secretary, management assistant, financial employee, controller, salary administrator, credit controller, administrator, category manager and more.

View all our business support vacancies in the Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Rotterdam region.

Looking for a new job?

We have a wide range of permanent and temporary vacancies for you from various clients in various provinces in the Netherlands. Vacancies in South Holland, North Holland, Utrecht and North Brabant.

No vacancy found?

Is your job not listed here? Do you have an MBO, HBO or WO diploma, are you motivated and enthusiastic? Then we would like to meet you! Please send us an open application.